Wednesday, 26 November 2014

7 Tips To Making Money From Your Blog

Your blog is up, the content is flowing, you are
getting traffic and all is well in the world.
Having dreamed of having your own little slice of
cyber space, you are now able to live that

But overhead costs still exist, and you would like
to start maybe making a bit of cheddar from all
your efforts. Now is the time to learn how to
make money from blogging .
Unlike many other careers, blogging does not
have an “average” salary. Some sites make cents,
some make millions, and some make absolutely
But all blogs with a profit margin have the same
thing in common: they have monetized and
grown their sites, and have come up with unique
ways to begin earning that green.
Here are some ways you can start earning money
from your blog:

1. Run Ads

This is the most basic step you can take. Joining
services like Google AdSense (though there are
many programs out there), or an actual ad
network, for those who don’t understand how
advertising on websites works, is a quick way to
start earning regular cash.
The higher your traffic, the higher the click
probability and the more you will earn back.
Google AdSense isn’t the only way to go here.
Read this article for five alternatives to Google
AdSense .

2. Sell Ad Space

If you have an especially popular blog you can
start selling ad space to other people to run
their campaigns. This gives you total control
over what is being advertised on your site, and
can earn you more than a pay per click program
like those listed above.
But what’s the best way to go about this? You
can get seven tips on selling advertising space
here .

3. Open a Shop

Have something you think you can sell? One of
the most profitable means of gaining site income
is by opening a little shop through your blog
and offering a related item you have created.
A good example of this is Flylady, which opened
a store with their own brand of cleaning and
organization supplies.

4. Write Company Reviews

Like selling ad space, it is important to see what
your site is worth the higher your traffic gets.

5. Join Affiliate Networks

Finding a good affiliate program can be like
hitting the jackpot. You want to make sure who
you go through is a company you believe in, and
a service you use and so don’t mind promoting.
Make sure you also read the fine print before
you sign up for anything, and know exactly what
you are getting out of it.
Two of the best affiliate networks out there are
CJ Affiliate by Conversant -formerly known as
Commission Junction, and Clickbank -who offer
an extensive range of digital products for you to
You will find some of the best affiliate programs
available by signing up with these two
companies to start with.

6. Write a Book or EBook

If your blog is popular, you will have gone a
long way toward proving yourself an expert in
your field-which means people are going to want
your guidance, and a book is a great way of
offering it.

7. Begin Speaking At Events

Keep your eye out for events whenever you can.
Conferences and expos, university talks, things
like that…they can pay very well, plus give you a
chance to travel and meet new people.
Connections are important in this business, and
it is also just pleasant sometimes to meet others
with the same interests as you.

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