Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Steps To Write Blogger Posts For New Blog Authours

Research Your Blog Post

Before you write a single word you
should spend time properly
researching the topic or subject that
you want to cover. Now a lot
depends on what your post may be
about, but even if you were writing
about yourself or your own personal
experiences, research can be done.
The first thing you should look
closely at is what keywords or
keyphrases you want to aim for .
This is something that many
bloggers seem to forget about, yet I
can’t stress enough how important
this is.
In order for people to find your
posts online you need to understand
what people are typing in to the
search engines to find what they are
looking for.
The best place to start is the Google
Keyword Planner tool that lets you
research keywords and keyphrases
that you can use for your articles.
Spend some time looking through
existing posts on the subject that
you want to cover yourself. The
point of this isn’t to just copy what
other people have written (you don’t
want to do that!), instead you are
looking to find what all these posts
aren’t saying.
There may be a million posts
already online that cover the same
subject that you want to write
about, but if you can do something
different or approach it from a
different angle, then you can help
yourself to stand out from the

Plan Out The Structure Of Your
Blog Post
Once you have finished researching
your article it is time to plan out
the structure of your post. Just as
you would plan out a beginning,
middle and end when writing a
story, you need to plan out the way
you want your article to flow.
Everyone does this differently but I
always try to come up with my
subheadings first. That way I can
structure out my post into easy to
follow sections without repeating
I find that it also helps when
writing to have split up my post like
this into sections instead of trying to
write about everything in one go.

Get Writing

This should be the easy bit, so I
don’t really need to say much about
this here. If you have done your
research and planned out the
structure of your post previously,
then this should make the whole
writing process even easier.

Add A Title, Introduction & Call
To Action

Arguably THE most important step
is next as you need to come up with
a decent title, introduction and call
to action. Many of you may do this
during the writing or planning stage
of your article, but I find leaving it
until now helps.
This stage is so important as the
vast majority of people will see
these first and make a judgement
about the rest of your article based
on them.
In order for people to find and even
think about clicking on your post
you will need a good title.  It needs
to be interesting, enticing, include
keywords/keyphrases that you are
aiming for and instantly convey
what your post is about.
Coming up with a good title is by no
means easy, but always remember
this: a bad post with a good title
will always get more clicks than a
good post with a bad title.
Your introduction needs to do the
same as your title, only you have
more words to play with. You have
a couple of paragraphs (at the most)
to sum up what your post is about
without giving the whole game away
and encourage them to continue
If your introduction isn’t up to
scratch then people will simply click
back and navigate somewhere else.
Think of your introduction as a
synopsis on the back of a book that
you read before you buy it.
Your call to action is to be added at
the end of your post.  The aim of
this is to encourage viewers who
have read that far to stay on your
site and/or promote it.  You can do
this in a number of ways;

1. Encourage them to leave a

2. Point them in the direction to
other relevant posts on your site,

3. Tell them about an offer/
competition/service/product on
your site,

4. Ask them to subscribe to your
email newsletter.

5. Get them to share your post via
social media with their friends.

Your call to action doesn’t need to
do all of the above, it is simply an
encouragement for them to take
further action after your post. The
last thing you want is someone that
has read through an entire post to
navigate away and forget about your
site never to return.

Add Images/Video

I always like to view this next step
as adding window dressing to your
article.  No matter how good your
overall post is, you need something
visually appealing adding to it to
attract viewer attention.

Adding images is the simplest way
of doing this. This helps to break
up your post and make it look more
interesting rather than just a big
mass of text.
Videos are equally as good at doing
this especially when they are
informative and relevant to what
you are writing about.

Edit, Edit, Edit!

When you think you have finished
your post remember to spend time
editing and going over what you
have written. This is a great time
to add things like inbound and
outbound links, or even affiliate
links where appropriate.
Only when you are 100% happy and
have thoroughly read and re-read
your post to check for any errors or
mistakes can you hit the publish
Always be aware of the fact that
your blog posts are a reflection of
you and your website, you need to
make sure that they are up to your
high standards before you upload it.

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